How to set up Google Drive replacement - Google Backup and Sync
- After installing the program, you need to go through the authorization procedure in your Google account, and then set up backups and synchronization.
- Uncheck the checkboxes if you do not want to synchronize all the files located on the desktop (“On Computer”) or in the “Documents” folder.
- Make sure there is a check mark next to the “Upload Images and Videos to Google Photos” option. This action confirms the intention to copy all new media files to a special folder in Google Drive.
- In the next configuration step (Google Drive), you must decide which folders in Google Drive will be automatically synchronized with your local files on your Google Drive desktop folder.
- After you click the Start button, the data synchronization process begins. By clicking on the application icon with the cloud in the menu bar on Mac, you can see the progress of the process. There you can get quick access to the opening of Google Photos, Google Drive and other components of the service.