Very easy to put together, especially if you buy a pre-made graham cracker crust. Light and silky, especially if you slice and plate, but leave out for a few minutes to get up to room temp.
Recipe calls for a 9x13 pan. I used a 9x13 cookie pan w/ 1/2" was too shallow! After I poured the caramel I knew it was going to boil over - fortunately I placed a bigger rimmed baking pan under this while it baked.
Sweet sweet sweet! So sweet I'll say it again. Small pieces are best.
When looking for caramel, make sure it is THICK, otherwise it will seep out after sliced. Smuckers and store brand were way too thin. May even do well to melt actual caramel squares to use.
The recipe for the crust is off, or else I used he Wong graham crackers. Might just buy a premade crust next time.
VERY sweet, even tho no added sugar. Didn't think that it would come together as I was making it, but it froze nicely. The longer it can freeze the better. Quick, easy to make.